My collection of heirloom ornaments; many of these ornaments belonged to either my paternal grandmother, my mother-in-law, and my husbands's aunt. Many are over 40 years old, and I was concerned that they would break. My solution was to put them in this vase, (found at Winners), and there they stay. At the end of the Christmas season, I put saran wrap over the top to prevent any dust from getting in, and we're all set until next year...Brillant!
Well, I put my foot down this year, I didn't want to do the seven hour drive home, and so told the rest of my family I was stayin' home. At first I thought that no one would come and we would have a nice quiet day with just the four of us. Mom and Dad arrived the Friday before Christmas and my brother and his financee came Christmas Eve. Wouldn't you know! I guess it pays to have the only grandchildren!
We celebrated Christmas mass early be going to the children's mass at 4:00. Carinne was part of the choir, and surprised us all by singing the "Gloria" with a partner just before the gospel reading. My heart was swelling with pride. The church was full, with even the hall overloaded. I was so proud of my girl. We came home from church to find my brother waiting for us. Again a surprise! We had a snack filled supper with tortiere, pate, and many other appetizers. Yum! The four of us headed off to a friends for some Christmas cheer. I hadn't known the rest of my family was coming...so we had accepted the invitation. We only stayed an hour and a half of so, and then came home.
As with our family tradition, the kids are allowed to open one present Christmas Eve, Carinne opened a set of lip smackers...all different smells...and Jean-Luc opened a "Chicken Soup for the Soul book...all about Cats and Dogs...his first response was "I don't like soup!" He was really upset, and tired..who would buy him a book about soup???? (Mom) One tired child went to bed shortly thereafter!