A little baking done before Xmas...tortiere...made the Quebec way!
Happy New Year to everyone, We're all back to our respective school. Robert, I think, was tickled to get back to his grade 5's. The kids not so excited to go to school, getting up was a little difficult, and me, well, not happy to be back at school, but happy to be back into a routine. The kids are a little hyper after their break, and getting them back on task seems to be a bit of a chore!
I was actually able to get my scrapbooking room clean after Christmas. During the holiday season that room seems to be the catch all...backpacks, wrapping paper, gifts hidden, wrapped, and packed up to go. I managed to get a few pages scrapped, and my swaps completed. Whoo Hoo! I am hoping to be able to keep my room clean and organized...or at least until one of the kids decides to scrap too!