Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I have a secret!

Not a really big secret, but a secret nonetheless.  I turned 45 on Monday (that's not the secret), but the thought of being closer to 50 than 40 terrifies me.  I didn't have any problems turning 40.  Robert planned a night away in Calgary for us, we had a wonderful evening out with Susan and Kurtis...and then a surprise party at the house!  What fun......this year...all I can think of is how close I am to 50.  I don't want to be there.  I'm not ready yet.  I know it's only a number, but really the reality is.........what?  that's what I'm not sure of. 

I do know this:  I have finished off year 44 going to the gym on a regular basis, I have been working hard to gain ahold of the weight (or rather the attempt to lose it), I have been working hard on my psyche and all that I hold onto in my head!

I do know that I have two wonderful teenagers (one almost there) and an amazing husband who is behind me all the way.  I have terrific friends, some who have been there forever and some who are new.  All of which  who are there supporting me with my ups and downs!  And of course my mom, dad and mother in law who really are the best!!!  So with that, I go into the 45th year a little apprehensive but full of love and support!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sometimes we all get that feeling of Wow - how old I am, and how did I get here so fast. I know I often look in the mirror and wonder aloud at the years gone by. But for me, I am on unchartered ground as both by parents were gone before they reached 60. And here I am at 68, sometimes I think about death and dying, but mostly, I just give thanks for each day and enjoy.
You have probably reached the half way mark, and you have been very successful: a good marriage, super great children, a career that has more than just monetary rewards ~ and a future to look forward to: graduations, marriages, grandchildren, freedom to travel and visit friends and family. Pat yourself on the back as it is true 'the best is yet to come'.