Friday, January 7, 2011

Keep going!

A little pep talk for myself goes something like this:  "Keep going Tracee, you can do it, keep counting calories just takes a little time, you are worth it!  you're doing a great job going to the gym, I know the weight is not coming off, but you're healthier, and your stronger, and you're worth it!"

The "you're worth it" part is often hard for us to wrap around in our heads.  How many years have we put the kids, the job, the house, the family, the husband, basically everything before us?  For me, it's too many to count.  I am working at changing my mindset, but also my family's mind set about what's important for me.  Like going to the gym!  I don't usually go on Fridays, but I decided I would go this Friday to a Fusion class.  Did I catch everyone by surprise tonight!  We have the "cable guy" coming sometime between 5 and 8 (doesn't that just drive you crazy all by itself).  Usually it's me who stays home and waits for service men...takes a day off work, etc.  Today, I asked Robert if he could do it...he asked why?  "Because I want to go to the gym."  and he said "oh, okay".  I'm working on him!!!

The kids are getting used to getting supper organized, getting used to being on their own a little more and being independent.  Which I think is a pretty good side effect of me taking time for myself. 

And yes, I AM WORTH IT!


Tammy (Scrappy and T) said...

That's awesome Tracee .. yes, we should all make more effort to put ourselves first for a change. There is no reason the kids or DH cant help out more with things.


mow180 said...

We get so tied up in being a Mother or a wife we forget we are a person who requires care, too. Good on you for recognizing that, Tracee. Good luck on your journey.

Anonymous said...

I call it filling your tank to be able to continue to fill others. Keep going you are doing great and YES the hardest part is our own selves!
Love PRR