Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Icy sidewalks!

really suck!  I went out for my daily walk today, and couldn't believe how icy it was.  I almost wiped out a few times.  Which wouldn't be a good thing! 

I'm thrilled to share I've lost 8 pounds since surgery.  I don't have high hopes of keeping it all off, but it's definitely a start!

The surgery healing is going well; I'm still getting tired easily, but every day is better.  I actually drove today!  First time in a week.  It was a little jarring with all the bumpy snow covered roads, and what surprised me was how hard it was to sit up straight.  Next time I'll take my car and I can recline my seats a little!

I've been playing in my scrap room a bit, and should have something to post soon!

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