Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011 begins!

The Christmas season has passed, the tree is down, the village is put away, the decorations are gone, and the house is mostly put back together.  Part of me is soooo happy that the clutter is gone and the house is back in order, but part of me is sad that the season went so quickly.  Being gone for the 6 days doesn't help, but onward we go.

Robert and the kids start school tomorrow.  Lucky me still has two days off!  Cue the music, "Dancing on the Ceiling"!  I have two whole days to myself!!!!!  I do have a bit of shopping to do and I do have some errands to run, but I have time to scrapbook and time to putter.  Of course, a run to the scrapbooking store and Michael's won't hurt either!  :)

And so it's the time for New Year Resolutions!  I'm not making any!  How's that!  Last year I decided to give up Diet Pepsi.  Which I did for two months.  Didn't really feel any different, like everyone said I would, however, since then I have really decreased the amount of pop I drink.  I did have a bit more over the holidays, but it's holidays.  Back to resolutions.. as I've said.I don't have any, however I have some goals....

1.  Keep going to JDFT!  Have I mentioned how much I like the non-gym Jo has created?  It has to be awesome...I keep going back!  And if anyone really knows me, this is not a small feat!  My goal is 4 or 5 times a week, depending on what each week brings.  And when the weather gets a little better, we'll work on the outside stuff.  Still waiting for the obstacle course for my gym goal Jo!!!! (how scary is that, I'm asking for more!) hee hee

2.  I plan to keep trying to eat clean, and keeping my food journal.  I let it go over Christmas, but it's time to get back in the routine.  It's not a major catastrophe as  I would have previously have felt, but just time to get my journal out and start again.  I had a few minor gall bladder attacks over Christmas.  Nothing to send me to the hospital as before, but enough of a reminder that I really have to watch what I eat, and that planning does make a difference.

And that's goals to lose 20 pounds, to cut out sugar, to exercise everyday, etc. etc.  Just to keep trying to do healthy things and to make my life and health better!

Anyone want to join me?

1 comment:

Brandy Lees said...

I lost 25 pounds from July till September. Just by eating right. No execise no supplements. I eat 300 calories 7 times a day (ever 2-3 hours) When you only eat that much at a time, you make better choices as to WHAT you eat. I doesn't take long before the cravings for sweets/salty/carbs go away. You can use the 300 for whatever you want. I usually have my junk food at my 3 pm eating time since I'm really not never feel hungry with this. Sometimes I feel like, I HAVE to eat again?! You can do it!