Saturday, November 6, 2010

A hard one

I wen to TRX class today with Amanda at 1pm...first thing I shouldn't have done was had Cheerios for breakfast...not enough...then had a sandwich at 11:30...not enough...thought it wasn't enough so had some almonds following....too much!  When will I finally figure the food part out???? 

Off to class I went, in a huge rush, as I had to pick up Jean-Luc from a birthday party...get there...and I got my butt kicked!  Yes, I did...I had to bail on the stairs...apparently Saturday's and stairs go together!  Who knew?  I have discovered the trials of being 44 are bad knees.  I did the stairs a few times, but I had to ask for something different...irks me that I couldn't make it grrrrrrrr.  Everything seemed hard today...I'm hoping it means I am using different muslces and they're protesting a bit.

For the rest of the day I have been cleaning house and putting stuff away...I got down on my knees to snap the plate back on the bottom of the fridge...almost couldn't get up. :(  I was sitting tonight, watching "Horton Hears a Who" with the kids...could barely get off the couch....what will ache tomorrow????..hmmmmm.....perhaps some Ibuprofen before bed would be a good thing!

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