Monday, November 29, 2010

And it snowed in the village!

I've had the Christmas village set up for a few days, but it hadn't snowed yet!  :)  Meaning, I hadn't added the snow to cover up all the wires etc.  But finally snowed! 

The first few pictures are with the lights on...then with only the lights for the village.  I noticed a few spot lights have burnt out, so I need to go battery shopping...:)


Hmmm...I think I need to paint the walls blue.....I'd had a beautiful sky background then!!!


Lisa G. said...

OMGosh I love it! Great village!

Anonymous said...

Ahh, I can imagine how lovely it would be to sit in the dark except for the lights of the village with a glass of wine, listening to carols and waiting for Santa on Christmas eve. Heavenly, Tracee. Robin M.

Anonymous said...

BEAUTIFUL! I HEART the barn!!!!!